When interacting with DRB, it is important to observe all rules and guidelines at all times. These have been established to ensure a positive and safe experience for all community members.
Please be advised that rules, guidelines, disciplinary actions, and laws may be subject to change at the discretion of the staff team.
We recommend keeping notifications on for the #📌| notice-board to receive official announcements from staff.
Pings are typically limited to a maximum of one per week to minimize user disruption.
Please note that server logs are continuously monitored for rule violations and abuse. However, we strongly encourage the community to actively participate in keeping everyone safe by familiarizing themselves with the rules and promptly reporting any rule violations or instances of abuse.
| Basic Decency is Expected
[1.01] Treat your fellow role players with respect, both in and out of character. Be considerate of their boundaries, ideas, and preferences.
[1.02] Any form of harassment, discrimination, bullying, trolling, or offensive behavior will result in disciplinary action which will be decided by the moderator team upon review.
[1.03] Blatant ignorance will not be tolerated. While we strive to provide you with all the necessary information and resources associated to roleplay, you are in fact not in 1899 IRL.
There is a search engine called Google and we have a Discord. We encourage you to utilize both in the event that we missed something on this website.
[1.04] Players should maintain an open-minded and accepting attitude during all scenarios. Being willing to accept and experience losses or setbacks is part of the storytelling process.
[1.05] In the event of a disagreement or conflict, Players should communicate and address the issue in a civil and respectful manner through roleplay, practicing maturity and understanding. If you are unable to resolve the issue, we suggest utilizing the designated reporting channel (# | create-a-ticket).
[1.06] RP Bleed – While we do not police personal relationships, players should not facilitate RP bleed by reaching out to other players OOC.
Personal Accountability. As a community, we want to encourage a space for open discussions and inclusivity, however we ask all players to be mindful of their own triggers and take responsibility for managing their emotional responses. It is unfair to expect anyone to adjust their behavior based on individual triggers that one may not be aware of. Please address relevant situations with as much composure as possible, and refrain from expressing your thoughts until you are in a state of clear-headedness. Staff will not adhere to emotional outbursts.
| Access Restrictions
[2.01] English is the primary language for communication amongst players and must be utilized.
[2.01-A] We understand that other languages may be utilized to enhance character attributes. We ask that the majority of communication near other players remain primarily English.
[2.01-B] All communication on our Discord server is to be conducted in English for the benefit of our moderators.
[2.02] Due to the maturity rating of the game, we ask that all new players are ages 18 and older.
[2.03] Players deemed underage by the mods are subject to removal from the server.
Please do not offer to show staff your IRL ID.
| Utilizing Exploits & Modifications
[3.01] Engaging in abusive behavior towards game mechanics, server mechanics, or utilizing third-party apps or add-ons will result in an immediate ban from the server.
[3.02] Examples of such actions include, but are not limited to, macro controls, glitching, duplicating items, or using god mode.
[3.03] We request that if you discover an exploit, promptly report it to the Development team by creating a ticket in the designated channel (# | create-a-ticket).
| Use Designated Communications
[4.01] For any support or general questions, please utilize the designated channels, such as # | general-questions or # | create-a-ticket, where our team will be available to assist you. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
[4.02] We ask that you respect the fact that all staff members are volunteers.
They prefer to keep their inboxes reserved for personal direct messages only.
[4.03] Please refrain from approaching staff characters while in the server. Members of staff are fellow players, and are not obligated to handle in game issues while actively playing.
[4.04] Those that choose to send direct messages or approach staff in game may be subject to a soft ban from the server, as well as a slower response time from staff.
| Sexually Suggestive Content
[5.01] The sharing or creation of sexually suggestive content within our community is strictly prohibited.
[5.02] All content, whether it be in-game, on forums, or on our social media platforms, should observe a PG-13 rating.
| Unique & Appropriate Names
[6.01] The use of generic cfx names such as “Stranger,” “Hotel Owner,” or any NPC (non-player character) names are strictly prohibited.
[6.02] Refrain from using ‘~v~’, in your cFx name, as this creates an unreadable display name.
[6.03] Profile pictures should not contain graphic or controversial images that could be found offensive to others.
[6.04] Offensive names on any platform are strictly prohibited. We ask that you select names that are respectful and considerate of others within the community.
[6.05] The use of names of popular or historical figures is prohibited.
[6.06] The use of rule 10.05 will be enforced for any names deemed inappropriate for any reason.
| No Religion or Politics In Public Chats
[7.01] Please refrain from discussing religion or politics in any public chats on our Discord server. These topics can be controversial and divisive, and we aim to maintain a positive and inclusive environment for all community members.
[7.02] Religion-based roleplay within the context of in-character interactions is allowed. However, we ask that all players approach these topics with sensitivity and respect for others’ beliefs and perspectives.
| Discord Etiquette
[8.01] The use of the @everyone and all role mentions is prohibited.
[8.02] Spamming and excessive posting in any particular channel is prohibited.
[8.03] We ask all players to use the designated channels.
When using #| general-questions & #│suggestions use the search function to avoid duplicate posts.
# | rp-kudos is intended for acknowledging well played roleplay. Please do not use this channel to call out player made mistakes.
Utilize #| create-a-ticket for reports & complaints.
[8.04] Derogatory comments made towards DRB, its staff, or other players is prohibited.
Recruiting for another server in a derogatory manner towards DRB is prohibited.
Commenting of other servers or their staff in a derogatory manner is prohibited.
[8.05] The use of Discord to exchange meta information is prohibited.
[8.06] Exercise sensitivity and respect towards staff when voicing server complaints.
A significant amount of effort, dedication, and passion has been poured into this project by the staff members.
| Staff Communication
[9.01] You may find that a staff member has reached out using the ticketing process. We require any player who has been contacted for any reason to acknowledge the contact being made by either a reaction or a written response.
[9.02] A player who has not acknowledged intervention will have restricted access to the RedM Server until acknowledgement
[9.03] Exercising the use of maturity and respect is advised when interacting with staff of any level for any reason.
[9.04] If there is at any point an issue between a member of the community and a staff member, a report can be submitted through #| create-a-ticket.
[9.05] Staff members may use discretion when enforcing rules not listed in the ruleset, with the intent of removing toxic or harmful behavior.